Dear Supplier,

{% set defectTask = 0 %} {% set Unbservable = 0 %} {% if activitiesFails|length > 0 %} {% for row in activitiesFails %} {% if row.FAIL == 'YES' %} {% set defectTask = defectTask + 1 %} {% elseif( row.UNOBSActivity == 'YES')%} {% set Unbservable = Unbservable + 1 %} {% endif %} {% endfor %} {% endif %}

VPW at {{ tickets[0]['sitio'] }}. was completed on {{ 'now'|date('m/d/Y') }} . Site had {{ defectTask+ activitiesCorrected|length }} defects and {{ Unbservable }} unobservable items noted by RCM; {{ activitiesCorrected|length }} defects were corrected during Virtual Punch walk and {{ defectTask }} defects remain to be corrected. These defects were communicated verbally to your personnel during the punch walk, and are documented in the punch walk checklist. Please address all defects and unobservable items with evidence of rectification ASAP

{% if activitiesFails|length > 0 %}

Activities findings or Unobservable pending corrections

{% for repuesto in activitiesFails %} {% endfor %}
{{'TASKS' | trans}} {{'DATE' | trans}} {{'RCM' | trans}} {{'TYPE' | trans}} {{'COMMENT' | trans}}
{{repuesto.estado}} {{ repuesto.DATE|date('m/d/Y') }}
{{ repuesto.RSS}}
{% if repuesto.FAIL == 'YES'%} DEFECT {% elseif( repuesto.UNOBSActivity == 'YES')%} UNOBSERVABLE {% endif %}
{% endif %} {% if activitiesCorrected|length > 0 %}

Activities findings corrected during Virtual Punch walk

{% for repuesto in activitiesCorrected %} {% endfor %}
{{'TASKS' | trans}} {{'DATE' | trans}} {{'RCM' | trans}} {{'TYPE' | trans}} {{'COMMENT' | trans}}
{{repuesto.estado}} {{ repuesto.DATE|date('m/d/Y') }}
{{ repuesto.RSS}}
{% if repuesto.FAIL == 'YES'%} DEFECT {% elseif( repuesto.UNOBSActivity == 'YES')%} UNOBSERVABLE {% endif %}
{% endif %}

NOTES : {{ comentario }}

For any question or clarification, please contact {{ }} - {{ userData.telefono }}