{% extends "::base.html.twig"%}
{% block menuLeft %}
Editar Perfil
Cambiar Contraseña
{%endblock %}
{% block body %}
- It must not contain the name of the user's account in whole or in part
- It must contain characters from the following four categories:
- Characters of the English alphabet in capital letters (A to Z)
- Characters of the English alphabet in lowercase letters (a to z)
- Numbers (0 to 9)
- Non-alphabetic characters (for example!, $, #,%)
- The password must meet the password length requirements of the system. Minimum length of the password: 10.
- The password must meet the password requirements of the system. Number of passwords saved: 15.
- The password must meet the maximum password age requirements of the system. Maximum age of password: 90.
- The password must meet the minimum password requirements of the system. Minimum password age: 1.