{% set bN = 0%} {% set bE = 0%} {% for sup in supCua %} {% for act in activas %} {% if act.supervisor == sup.sup %} {% set bN = act.bN + bN%} {% set bE = act.bE + bE%} {% endif %} {% endfor %} {% endfor %}
Supervisor Grupo Cuadrillas Normales Cuadrillas Especiales
{{ sup.Supervisor }} {% for cua in cuadrilla %} {% if cua.Supervisor == sup.sup %} {% endif %} {% endfor %}
{{ cua.idgrupos }} {% for rmc in rmcNov %} {% if rmc.idgrupos == cua.idgrupos %} {% endif %} {% endfor %}
{{ rmc.cuadrilla }}
{% if rmc.Supervisor == sup.sup %}{{ rmc.Rmc }}{% else %}{% endif %}
{% if rmc.Supervisor == sup.sup %}{{ rmc.cargo }}{% else %}{% endif %}
{% if rmc.Supervisor == sup.sup %}{{ rmc.Novedad }}{% else %}{% endif %}
{% if rmc.Supervisor == sup.sup %}{{ rmc.Observacion }}{% else %}{% endif %}
{% if rmc.Supervisor == sup.sup %}{{ rmc.tiempo }}{% else %}{% endif %}
{% if rmc.id == true %} {% endif %} {% if rmc.id == true %} {% endif %}
{% if rmc.Supervisor == sup.sup %}{{ rmc.obsDes }}{% else %}{% endif %}
{{ act.bN }}
{{ act.bE }}
{{ bN }}
{{ bE }}